Let us give them wings...

What We Do

Tvisha began as we, a group of long lost friends, came together after long to realize our own capability to do good in the world. We found ourselves passionate and able, we had the intention, the vision, the expertise and the willingness to go that extra mile.

It did not take long for us to a come to a consensus regarding what or who we wanted to work with. We wanted to work with children since we felt enabling them, giving them better education, better health, better lives, made sure we influenced every other aspect of everything else! They were seeds – and be it the economic empowerment of a nation, an understanding of environment or ecology, society, culture, politics, human values, tolerance, kindness, human rights – in nurturing and enabling a child to know more and know better, we would make sure we enabled a generation to ‘BE’ better, and they could then enable another, and another, and another…



We Provide Care

Tvisha aims to help underprivileged families who have lost their primary bread winners with financial and logistics support. Tvisha was created primarily in response to our dear friend Manish Singh, losing his battle with cancer in the year 2021. His warm, larger than life presence created as big an absence and there was no better way to fill it than by helping others who had suffered loss like we had. We had stood by him the best we could and continue to stand with his family. And we strive to stand with as many such families as we can – we know we cannot fill their emotional void, but we would certainly like to help provide them financial aid as those who have been left behind take time gathering courage and skill to stand on their own feet.
We also provide financial and logistics supports to underprivileged students in need – be it in paying fees, buying books or phones or tabs to help them cope with the growing demands of digital education.
We also run a medical aid program to help underprivileged parents and children in times of medical need. What is different about this program is that we try to help those families who lack proper paperwork and thus are unable to avail of benefits through other government and non-governmental facilities. Our approach here is personal – the beneficiary must come through the recommendation of someone who knows them and an employers or such who is willing to walk the extra mile to stand with them through the crisis. Even though the beneficiary may lack paper work, we insist on engaging with this person who will stand as proof for all the beneficiary needs, in talking to the doctors in question and making sure we are in the loop through all stages of treatment, and keeping records of prescriptions, tests and bills through photos to ensure due diligence. We have observed that not only has our involvement helped the beneficiaries financially, but made sure that the doctors felt more responsible towards them – the checks and measures reduced a chance of them being taken for a ride, especially in rural areas!
Teachers our an integral part of a child’s development. They influence who we become like none other. However, while society respects teachers theoretically, there is very little it does to help them live their lives with dignity once they retire. Private Schools very rarely have good pension programs, NGOs cannot afford them, and we find these extraordinary people, these creators and nurturers go through unimaginable struggle late in their lives, having to depend on extended families who have their own obligations…  Tvisha runs an ongoing program called “Guru Dakshina” which collects funds exclusively for retired teachers in need. We request you to contribute to the Guru Dakshina Program generously.

We Empower | We Strengthen | We Connect

We spent a considerable amount of time helping individuals and studying what development in this sector entailed. We realized that so many people were doing so much good work but… the smaller NGOs in the sector… those pockets of light that worked most passionately, most earnestly, often got left out in the race for attention – and because they were not seen, they were not helped! They had few donors and nearly no institutional support. They were constantly struggling, year by year, uncertain about how long they would be able to run their operations and help the children they were helping…

The reason was simple – these organizations were focused on their core competencies, and rightly so – they were running schools, creating teaching-learning material, ensuring the children they taught were well fed, well groomed, able to defeat their restricting environments, fulfilling growing infrastructural demands… they had no time to focus on fund-raising or networking!

If it is a CRY or a SAVE THE CHILDREN or similar, you don’t need us to support them, they don’t need us to reach you, but a 400-500 children school running in Gurugram, catering to the needs of underprivileged kids, or another running out of Agraa in Sheopur district of Madhya Pradesh, trying to empower tribal children does – and this forms one of the pillars of our work.

Our aim is, not to raise funds for their day-to-day operations but to

  • help them raise funds by helping them create a digital infrastructure to reach larger audiences,
  • help them network with similar NGOs and larger institutions wherein each can benefit from the expertise of the other
  • provide help with developing curriculum, teaching material and teaching aids
  • help create infrastructure for expansion (classrooms, bathrooms, labs and libraries) for the organizations and skill based learning (english, mathematics and science training, entrepreneurial mindset training, empowerment through digital media, etc.) for their students
  • facilitate teacher training, talks, exchange programs, workshops and seminars to keep them up-to-date with innovation and development in the education sector at large
  • mobilize drives – event based fund raising, health camps, sports and extra curricular activities, hygiene, gender sensitization and sex education workshops for students and parents, and so on.
We also work to arrange workshops and webinars catering to the needs of underprivileged youth and help them get paid internshipswith companies in our networks, where possible. 

We Consult

The Tvisha teams boasts of a combined experience of over 120 years in areas ranging from management, branding and technology, education, health and business. We believe some of our strengths and those of our peers can help individuals and institutions build on their ideas and better organize their endeavors to reach their goals. The Tvisha team is eager to help in whatever way we can.

We Aggregate

A whole is formed by combining several separate elements. Quite literally to be able to focus on a core area of expertise, say health, or education, different organizations need different kinds of support. Tvisha is committed to help with funding and logistics, training and consulting. We envision ourselves as aggregators who hope to create robust support mechanisms and infrastructure to support grass-root organizations help their beneficiaries.
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