Together on a journey...

Who we are

Tvisha began as we, a group of long lost friends, came together after long to realize our own capability to do good in the world.

A dear friend, Manish Singh, was struggling with cancer as school mates from Vidyashram Jaipur, batch of 1996, along with the alumni association VOSA, teachers, colleagues, friends and well wishers came together to raise Rupees 80 lacs in a months time for Manish’s treatment.

We lost Manish in 2021 but his absence demanded that we carry this journey onward, find ways to make the world kinder and more compassionate, more helpful and trust-worthy. Manish was always there for his friends, what better way could be there to honour his memory!

The Tvisha board comprises of:

Shweta Rao (Chairperson) (9811183554)

Shreya Chatterjee (General Secretary)

Ankur Gangal (Treasurer)

Mayank Agarwal (Trustee)

Ankur Aggarwal (Advisor)


You can email us here.


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