Warmth, kindness, joy, multiply when shared

share your light,
make the world
a better place!

Tvisha Foundation is a non-profit working for the upliftment and empowerment of marginalized classes by providing direct support to beneficiaries, as well as, hand-holding and enabling partner organizations working at the grassroots level expand their reach. Our primary focus is enabling children, the future of the country and the world – we work with families, and other NGOs primarily for the upliftment of children – be it contributing towards their health, nutrition, security or education.

What We Do

We Provide Care

Tvisha aims to help underprivileged families who have lost their primary bread winners with financial and logistics support…

We Empower

We are proud to work with outstanding NGOs in the realm of education….

We Strengthen

We work to strengthen the core competencies of partner organisations by facilitating trainings and workshops.

We Connect

… individuals to individuals, individuals to organisations, organisations to individuals – we help facilitate communication in an increasing digital world.

We Consult

The Tvisha teams boasts of a combined experience of over 120 years in areas ranging from management, branding and technology, teaching, health and business. We believe…

We Aggregate

A whole is formed by combining several separate elements. Quite literally to be able to focus on a core area of expertise, say health, or education different organisations need different kinds of support…

our causes


DIKSHA is an NGO that runs a non-profit school in Palam Vihar, Gurugram, Haryana, India established to provide free and quality education to children from ...
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Jamini and kids

Jamini lost her husband to corona in 2021. She has 3 small children to support and no means of income. There is no land, no ...
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Diksha School Gurgaon

DIKSHA is an NGO that runs a non-profit school in Palam Vihar, Gurugram, Haryana, India established to provide free and quality education to children from ...
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Drops make an Ocean

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My husband passed away last year leaving me alone with 3 children of ages 9, 3 and 11 months. I live in a village near Almora in Uttrakhand and am unable to go to work given how young they are. Ours was an inter-caste marriage and I do not have family support either. Tvisha has helped my children survive, without their monthly support I cannot imagine what would have happened to us. (translated from Hindi)
Jamini Mins
Mother of 3 children,
lost husband during covid
I work as a maid in Gurugram, Haryana. Education during the pandemic became online. I have 2 school going children and I use a basic phone to communicate with my employees and family in the village. As it is we find it difficult to educate our children. And the government school where my children go started expecting us to have a smart phone to send homework and take classes. Someone told me about Tvisha and I approached them. They arranged 2 tabs for my children. I am happy to report that they will not be left out now!
housemaid from gurugram, haryana
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